The Why - Our ESG Commitment

Nanu believes in the power of nanobubbles. They have incredible potential to help mitigate causes of climate change, address water security, and grow our future.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 interrelated goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure humanity's future prosperity by 2030. Nanu is committed to pursuing each SDG by means of our ESG roadmap which begins with pursuing certification and verification for our carbon credit programs and climate impact partnerships. By registering with Gold Standard in Europe and other certification bodies in North America we plan to bring additional value to all stakeholders and customers.

Our tactic involves addressing a eight target markets over 5-20 year periods and utilizing valuable existing partnerships. We’re confident that at full scale Nanu will be responsible for sequestering 1 giga-ton of CO2 annually after 2030. If you have a climate project and would like to partner with us please visit our contact page to start the conversation.